
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Life Changes in 2014 - Part 1

Hi everyone,

Its been a very long time since I've written anything; over a year actually. A lot has changed since my last post. Pretty much my life isnt how it was anymore. So today I just wanted to rant out whats happened with me so far and talk about the changes in my life.

After my last post I had gone to India (my home country) to attend the wedding of my cousin. Little did I know, my parents had arranged for me to meet some girls so that I could possible get married too (Indian tradition of arranged marriage is done this way; parents find a suitable bride/groom and then you meet them, talk to them, get to know them and then decide whether you want to marry each other or not). I ended meeting 3-4 girls during my cousins wedding. I ended up meeting the most amazing girl. She is kind, beautiful, smart, caring and just amazing to be with. I liked her a lot from the very first moment we met.

We met in a temple with my parents and her younger sister and mother. After a few minutes of general chitchat among our parents, we were left alone to talk amongst ourselves and get to know ea h other.  its funny because we had never ever met before that day. I didnt even know her name so thats exactly what I asked her. "What is your name?" She answered back a little timidly "Purvi. And what's yours?." Guess even she wasn't prepared for this meeting. We talked about general things like what I do and my hobbies, what she does and her hobbies. Why I was there in indian at the time. Honestly, I was hoping she would just keep talking and no one wpuld come disturb us. Unfortuately, soon enough were were interrupted by her mother and sister, whom asked me a bunch of questions abput my job, where I live, etc. Then both our families went our ways.

Back at home, my parents, my uncles and aunts (from my moms side), my grandparents (from my moms side), the kids; pretty much everyone that was there, bombarded me with the same question. "Soooo....did you like her? Shall we fix the wedding?" I got pissed and said I dont want to ever get married. Then almost instantly I said "I want to marry Purvi and no one else." It was almost as if I wasnt it control. But it felt amazing.

We decided that some of the other elders of our family need to meet Purvi's family once too. We got in touch and to my surprise, even Purvi's family wanted the same. We met on Jan 3rd, 2014 at her grandparents home. We had a great time, everyone getting to know each other. Again, I got a chance to be alone with Purvi. I told her how I felt but not completely. I didnt want to sound to weird by saying I love you and want to marry you out right. I didnt know exactly how she felt. So I told her I am ready to marry her if she is ready to marry me. In hindsight, that sounds so stupid. Sounds like I was making a business deal lol. Anyway, I also told her abput the lifestyle here in New York and such.

After the meeting we had to go home fast as my father and I had to catch an interstante train from jaipur to mumbai for business. We tried to get in touch with Purvi's family to tell them that we agree with this wedding and that it is a yes for getting married to Purvi by me. We couldn't get in touch with them in time so we decided that my father and I will go to mumbai and talk to them when we get back to jaipur. So as planned, my father and I left jaipur by train that night.

That is the end of the first significant moment of my life in 2014. Stay tuned for the next installment of "Life Changes in 2014 - Part 2."

Yours truly,
